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Illustrations de Zoologie, Ou Recueil de Figures D'Animaux Peintes D'Après Nature; by Lesson, R. P. 1794-1849, NC... ISBN: 9781175738639 List Price: $32.75
Illustrations of Exotic Entomology : Containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and... by Drury, Dru, Westwood, J o. ... ISBN: 9781175739032 List Price: $63.75
History of Glanville's Wootton, in the County of Dorset, Including Its Zoology and Botany by Dale, Charles William, NCRS... ISBN: 9781178505580 List Price: $34.75
Elementary Entomology by Sanderson, Dwight, Jackson,... ISBN: 9781178505283 List Price: $33.75
Entomology for Beginners : For the use of young folks, fruit-growers, farmers, and Gardeners by Packard, A. S. 1839-1905, N... ISBN: 9781178549706 List Price: $33.75
Entomology, with Special Reference to Its Ecological Aspects by Folsom, Justus Watson, NCRS... ISBN: 9781178566185 List Price: $39.75
Entomologist's Useful Compendium, or an Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects : C... by Samouelle, George, NCRS, Me... ISBN: 9781178566529 List Price: $41.75
Index to the Literature of American Economic Entomology by American Association Of Eco... ISBN: 9781178586305 List Price: $31.75
Insects of Economic Importance; Outlines of Lectures in Economic Entomology by Herrick, Glenn Washington, ... ISBN: 9781178602746 List Price: $21.75
Insect Architecture : To which are added, miscellanies, on the ravages, the preservation for... by Rennie, James, NCRS, Metcal... ISBN: 9781178603491 List Price: $38.75
Insects and Insecticides : A practical manual concerning noxious insects and the methods of ... by Weed, Clarence Moores, NCRS... ISBN: 9781178597912 List Price: $32.75
Familles Naturelles du Règne Animal : Exposées succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, av... by Latreille, P. A. 1762-1833,... ISBN: 9781178617986 List Price: $44.75
Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects : Founded on the natural habits and cor... by Westwood, J o. 1805-1893, N... ISBN: 9781178624847 List Price: $39.75
Introduction to Entomology : Or, Elements of the natural history of Insects by Kirby, William, Spence, Wil... ISBN: 9781178621860 List Price: $43.75
Introduction to Entomology : Or, Elements of the natural history of Insects by Kirby, William, Spence, Wil... ISBN: 9781178626407 List Price: $43.75
Faune Parisienne, Insects Ou Histoire Abrégée des Insects des Environs de Paris, Classes D'A... by Walckenaer, C. a. 1771-1852... ISBN: 9781178643435 List Price: $37.75
Faune Parisienne, Insects Ou Histoire Abrégée des Insects des Environs de Paris, Classes D'A... by Walckenaer, C. a. 1771-1852... ISBN: 9781178640915 List Price: $37.75
Farm Insects : Being the natural history and economy of the insects injurious to the field c... by Curtis, John, NCRS, Metcalf... ISBN: 9781178646795 List Price: $43.75
Genera des Insectes : Ou, Exposition détaillée de tous les caractères propres à chacun des g... by Guérin-Méneville, F-E 1799-... ISBN: 9781178751192 List Price: $33.75
General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History by Shaw, George, Stephens, Jam... ISBN: 9781178758993 List Price: $34.75
Annual Report on the Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of the State of Missouri by Missouri. State Entomologis... ISBN: 9781174767876 List Price: $48.75
Cabinet of Oriental Entomology : Being a selection of some of the rarer and more beautiful s... by Westwood, J o. 1805-1893, N... ISBN: 9781174799860 List Price: $27.75
Cassell's Natural History by Duncan, P. Martin 1821-1891... ISBN: 9781174860409 List Price: $56.75
Cassell's Natural History by Duncan, P. Martin 1821-1891... ISBN: 9781175096067 List Price: $56.75
Des Herrn Kaspar Stoll Natürliche und Nach Dem Leben Gemalte Abbildungen und Beschreibungen ... by Stoll, Caspar, NCRS, Metcal... ISBN: 9781175966551 List Price: $21.75
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